IPT inženjering Ltd. is a limited liability company with four employed engineers who are certified through international workshops in fields of road, tunnel, decorative and inner lighting. The company has been doing business successfully since 1993.

Beside road, tunnel, sports field, decorative and inner lighting design we also design of electrical wiring in civil engineering, technical light measuring of luminance and lighting of roads and tunnels, advertising boards and traffic lights. We also do ultrasound measuring of wall thickness and protective coating on public light posts for determining damage by corrosion and – technical condition of posts.

We have had a successful cooperation with development centres of well-known companies like PhilipsSchrederSiteco,Thorn etc.

Our company has been an active member of the Croatian Committee of International Commission on Illumination,Croatian Association of Illumination, and Association for Development of Croatia.

We also received credits from the Institute for Business Intelligence for being the most successful entrepreneurs in 2000., 2001., 2002., 2003., 2004., 2005., 2006., 2009., 2010., 2012., 2018., 2019. and 2021 and due to that we are included in the Gold book of most successful entrepreneurs in Croatia.

Mission and vision

We were the first to develop „ecological lighting“ in Croatia. We showed what street lighting without light contamination is supposed to be like in Petrova ulica in Zagreb.

We were the first in Croatia to design ski slope lighting on Medvednica near Zagreb, more precisely “Red slope”, which is proclaimed to be one of better ones in Europe.

We were the first in Croatia to design road lighting according to ESCO regulations. On Avenija Dubrovnik we achieved energy saving of 50 % and at the same time got 50 % better lighting.

“Rational public lighting” article in “Electro” magazine, November 2006 (in Croatian)

We are the only ones in Croatia who possess a top-of-the-art technical light digital measuring instrument (camera) for measuring road and tunnel luminance. We are also the only ones in Croatia who possess a device for automatic “notation” of measuring points on a measuring field.

Example of the use of the instrument for measuring luminance (in Croatian)

We have conducted a “Study of energy efficiency in public lighting” for the city of Zagreb

Instalirana snaga (kW) Srednja razina luminancije (cd/m²) Opća jednolikost luminancije (%) Uzdužna jednolikost luminancije (%)
Prije rekonstrukcije 348,92 1,72 58 78
Rješenje naše tvrtke 168,85 2,45 54 83

Our conclusion is that the city of Zagreb can save up to 1.5 million kunas a year of electrical energy. Our mission is to follow world achievements in development of light technology and our vision is to incorporate these achievements into our projects so as to contribute to a greater safety of road traffic in the night hours alongside with using less power.


Ljubomir Perušić, E.E.
Qualified for designing electrical wiring for road, tunnel and decorative lighting and monitoring the construction of electrical wiring.
Authorization no. E306
Mob. +385 98 233 409
Mario Kranjec, B.S.E.E
Qualified for designing electrical wiring for road, tunnel and decorative lighting and monitoring the construction of electrical wiring.
Authorization no. E101
Mob. +385 98 218 282
Bruno Martinić, Mech.E.
Qualified for level 2 ultrasound testing of steel lamp posts and other metal constustions.
Certificate no. 4467
Mob. +385 98 314 320
Franko Plješa, mag. ing. el.
Qualified for the design of electrical installations in industry and construction.
Mob. +385 99 79 19 298